Necessary Nature


On my morning walk,
as I draw in a deep lungful of
fresh, crisp air
my head turns skyward
and I burn at the beauty
of blues so intense
they draw me to them,
across the stratosphere,
merging my soul with unseen wonders.

Cobalt blue,
cornflower blue,
fading to pastels so light
that white shimmers on the horizon.

The dome of the earth is endless today.
My spirits rise into its beauty willingly.

On my evening walk
as I draw in a deep lungful of
fresh, crisp air

my head turns skyward
and my heart yearns at the beauty
of clouds so magnificent
they draw me to them,
across the stratosphere,
merging my soul with unseen wonders.

Sometimes light and fluffy,
streaking in wisps across the depthless blue sky;
sometimes thick storm clouds
full of passion and heralding wild weather.

The twilight clouds are
streaked with the flaming
oranges and yellows of sunset,
fading to pastels so light
that delicate pinks and purples shimmer on the horizon.

The dome of the earth is endless tonight.
I succumb to its beauty willingly.

The sky is constant
and yet
every day it is different,
like I am.

I am fulfilled,

There is nothing better than this.

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