Mindful Musings

Global navigation

The perils of navigation systems Turns out I can have as much difficulty navigating on a global scale as I have on a local scale. I, with my family, spent two glorious years in Turkey. My husband and I taught English, and our children attended school. During our holidays we took opportunities to travel, both… Continue reading Global navigation

Mindful Musings

Folkie’s back!

Folkie's back! After a two-year hiatus (thanks, Covid-19!) our beloved Folkie's back! Four days of glorious music and an overwhelming feeling of delight among the camaraderie of like-minded people ... oh how I've missed the live music vibe such a festival can bring! musos playing on the porch rehearsing for their next performance buskers on… Continue reading Folkie’s back!

Mindful Musings

Decluttering Mindset

Decluttering Podcast Many podcasts are now devoted to decluttering, and personal organisation services abound. The 'Simply Organised' Facebook group, the 'Simply Organised' book and 'The Art of Decluttering' service and podcast provide all the armoury needed to battle an overflowing house into submission. Decluttering requires a specific mindset, which can be learnt. Changing thinking around… Continue reading Decluttering Mindset

Mindful Musings

Garden Ornaments

We have interesting garden ornaments. Take our pushbikes, for example: they were never designed to be garden ornaments - but that's what they evolved into, given our lack of attention to them. We exercise every day. However, we're not frequent riders. This is somewhat of a surprise as we've been frequent riders in the past.… Continue reading Garden Ornaments


Harmony Day

Harmony Day When I was growing up there was no Harmony Day. With its inception by the time I was an adult, it has promoted greater visibility, acknowledgement and integration of all cultures within Australian society, assisting the demise of the long-held White Australia Policy. In my opinion it's a good thing that this shameful… Continue reading Harmony Day

Mindful Musings, Teaching Travails

Writing Tools

Professional people do a lot of professional development. Depending on the event it's often at a swanky hotel or function centre, with swanky food and a plethora of monogrammed notepaper and pens. Over the years I have built up a store of writing pads and writing implements from such events. Covid-19 lockdowns brought a sudden… Continue reading Writing Tools

Mindful Musings, Public Praise, Self Stretch

First Critique of My Book: Reedsy

Reedsy Discovery: a wonderful platform for readers and writers What does the world think of my book? It's a challenging thing to put one's own work out into the world - especially content as personal and autobiographical as mine. On one level there's the thinking that "these poems and artworks are me: my private thoughts,… Continue reading First Critique of My Book: Reedsy

Reflective Reviews

Reedsy Review #13

Warning: contains football I chose to review this book because I remember the incident mentioned in the blurb on our national news. I did not realise this book would have quite so much football as it does! The timing of my reading this autobiography coincided with our Australian Football League's finals season. This is the… Continue reading Reedsy Review #13